Lee Rowe

Data Scientist/Engineer | Create Value | if data: data.science( )


These are some of my favorite pieces of work, included here are published articles as well that cover a wide variety of topics related to machine learning and data science.

United States Cars Price Predictions

Auto Tweeting Bot

Introduction to Plotly Express

SQLite: Lightweight Disk-Based Database

Human Rights First Asylum Nonprofit Work

Machine Learning with Lazy Predict

Predicting Customer Attrition Rate

Easy EDA: Pandas Profiling

My Medium

Congestive Heart Failure Patients’ Survivability

Generating Custom QR Codes

Pushing Files Using Git

Incorporate Google Search in Your Python Code

About Me

I'm an experienced data scientist/engineer that recently finished creatively and curiously studying data/computer science as well as machine learning methods full time at Bloom Institute of Technology, formerly known as Lambda School. I am very passionate, especially when it comes to making a difference, assisting others in any way possible, and, of course, the exploration of interesting technology. The field of data science and vast applications that machine learning methods provide, luckily, is an outlet to begin to tackle these passions.


The best way to get in contact with me, is by using the LinkedIn or email options that can be found in the bottom of the sidebar on the left. Otherwise please leave your message/information in the boxes below and I will be sure to get back to you ASAP!